It's launch day!

It's launch day!

Friday 23rd September - the day I first launch my website alongside my range of potions, including floating dice potions!

I honestly loved these dice potions so much from the moment I saw them on instagram made by @moonandbeanstudios . Unfortunately these were only available in the USA, so I started working out how to make my own. Fast forward a few months (and several failed attemps and experiments) and here we are.

For those of you unfamiliar with dice potions, these are small glass bottles filled with coloured liquid and a floating dice. Once you start to invert and shake up the potion a little to activate it, you'll start to see a shimmering coloured powder moving through the liquid. Place the bottle upside down on the table (so its stood on the wax seal) and see what your dice roll is. Rolling dice is already fun, but these potions add a fun new element to rolling, that feels more magical and novel.
These are available in a range of colours and themes, and more in the works. Let me know if you have any potion suggestions or requests!
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